Privacy Statement and Cookie Policy

Brandnamic srl, having registered office in Strada Satzl 4, IT-39042 Bressanone, Italy (hereafter Brandnamic srl) is committed to protecting the online privacy of users. Pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 (hereafter: "Regulation"), this statement was written to inform you on our privacy policy and how your personal data is handled when you visit our website (hereafter “Website”), as well as to enable you to give your specific and informed consent to the processing of your Personal Data, where applicable. Please be informed that parental consent is required for children under 16 years of age. The information and data provided by you, or otherwise acquired through use of our online services (hereafter "Services") on your part, will be processed in compliance with the Regulation and the Data Controller’s obligation to confidentiality.

Pursuant to the Regulation, Brandnamic srl shall process Personal Data based on the principles of lawfulness, fairness, transparency, limitation of purpose and retention, data minimisation, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality.


  1. Data Controller
  2. Personal Data subject to processing
    1. Browsing data
    2. Special categories of Personal Data
    3. Data volunteered by Data Subjects
    4. Cookies
  3. Purposes of data processing
  4. Lawful basis and mandatory or optional nature of data processing
  5. Disclosure of Personal Data
  6. Transfer of Personal Data
  7. Retention of Personal Data
  8. Data Protection Officer
  9. Your rights
  10. Changes


1. Data Contoller

In relation to the data processing carried out through our website, the Data Controller as defined above is Brandnamic srl (hereafter “Controller” or “Data Controller”).
For any information regarding the processing of Personal Data by the Data Controller, including the list of Data Processors, please write to the following address:

2. Personal Data subject to processing

Please be informed that as a result of website browsing, the Data Controller will collect and process Personal Data that may consist of information like name and surname, identification number, online identifier, mail address, e-mail address, landline and/or mobile telephone number or information on one or more physical, physiological, psychological, financial, cultural or social features relating to an identified or identifiable person (hereafter “Personal Data”).
The following Personal Data is processed through our Website:

a. Browsing data

During normal operation, the computer systems and software used to operate our Website acquire some Personal Data the transmission of which is implicit in the Internet communication protocols. The collection of this information is intended to be associated with identified parties; however, the data collected might by its nature allow users to be identified through processing and association with data held by third parties. This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users who connect to the Website, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) of requested resources, the time of request and method used to submit it to the server, the size of the file obtained in reply, the numerical code indicating the server response status (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the user's operating system and IT environment. This data is used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the Website and to ensure its correct functioning by identifying any anomalies and/or abuses, and are therefore deleted immediately after processing. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in the event of possible computer crimes against the Website or third parties; except for this possibility, the data collected from the Website is removed within a short period of time.

b. Special categories of Personal Data

If you send us your application via e-mail or through our website, you might provide us with Personal Data that falls within special categories as set forth in art. 9 of the Regulation, namely: “[…] personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and [...] genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person's sex life or sexual orientation”. Please do not disclose this type of data unless it is strictly necessary. Please be informed that if you do choose to provide this type of data without giving your specific consent to the processing (e.g. by sending a CV), the processing on our part will relate to data made manifestly public by the Data Subject, as provided for by art. 9(1)(e) of the Regulation. Therefore, the Data Controller will be released from any liability or dispute whatsoever in connection with the processing of such data. As previously mentioned, explicit consent to the processing of special categories of Personal Data is fundamental if you do choose to disclose such information.
Please be also informed that the Data Controller may view any social media profiles made openly available on professional networking sites or platforms (e.g. LinkedIn).

c. Data volunteered by Data Subjects

We may process Personal Data of third parties that you send to the Data Controller when using certain services on our Website (e.g. the request/contact/booking forms). In these cases, you act as independent Data Controller, thereby assuming all the obligations and liabilities set by law. In this sense, you release the Data Controller from any and all responsibilities and obligations with respect to any dispute, claim, compensation for damages etc. that may be received from third parties whose Personal Data has been processed through the Website functions in violation of applicable data protection laws. In any case, if you provide or process Personal Data of third parties while using our Website, you warrant – assuming full liability – that processing has a lawful basis in compliance with art. 6 of the Regulation.

d. Cookies and other tracking technologies

General information about cookies

Cookies are small text files which can be stored by a website, and with the help of the browser, on the hard drive of a client computer, to save smaller amounts of website information for a specific period of time. Generally, there are different types of cookies; some are essential for the functioning of the website, such as navigation or shopping cart cookies. Furthermore, there are so-called Analytics cookies, which collect information, for instance about the number of website visitors and the way they found the website. Function cookies allow the website to remember your selection (e.g. selected filter settings or automatic language setting of a website).

In addition, so-called profiling cookies record the user's preferences and actions. A user profile is created on the basis of this information. This serves to combine advertising messages with the interests of the user and thus enables more target-group-specific advertising. In many cases, cookies from third parties are used by the website operator to broadcast personalised advertising.

Compulsory consent for cookies

Website visitors must actively consent to the use of cookies, which are not essential for the functionality of the website, and also have the right to revoke their consent at any time.

This website uses a technology called CMP (Consent Management Platform) to administer this right. When you visit the website, a banner appears informing you about the use of cookies, giving you various options for accepting them (all cookies, individual categories of cookies, or each individual cookie separately), and providing detailed information about the various cookies and other tracking technologies. The CMP remembers the settings made by visitor and applies them the next time the user visits the website. Here the website visitor can exercise the right of withdrawal or adjust the settings.

How to block cookies in your browser settings


  1. Go to Menu and then to Options.
  2. Select the Privacy panel.
  3. Set Firefox will to: Use custom settings for history.
  4. Remove the check mark from Accept cookies from sites.
  5. Click OK to close the Options window.

Click here for more details and information:

Google Chrome

  1. Click the Chrome menu on the browser toolbar and go to Settings.
  2. Select „Show advanced settings“.
  3. In the "Privacy" section, click the Content settings button.
  4. In the "Cookies" section, select "Block sites from setting any data".
  5. Click OK to conclude the action.

Click here for more details and information:

Internet Explorer

  1. Click Extras on the menu and select internet settings.
  2. Select the Privacy panel.
  3. To set what types of cookies are blocked or allowed, move the slider. Generally, if the slider is all the way up, all cookies are blocked; if the slider is down, all cookies are allowed.
  4. Click OK to conclude the action.

Click here for more details and information:


  1. Choose Safari Preferences, and then click Privacy.
  2. In the “Block cookies” section, specify if and when Safari should accept cookies from websites. To see an explanation of the options, click the Help button (question mark).

Click here for more details and information:


3. Processing

If necessary and with your specific consent, we will process your Personal Data for the following purposes:

  1. Provide the services you require;
  2. Respond to requests for assistance, information or bookings;
  3. View CVs and contact applicants;
  4. Comply with legal and tax obligations;
  5. Marketing purposes: the data provided may be used, subject to explicit and specific consent, for the sending of promotional and marketing communications, including newsletters and market surveys, using automated tools (SMS, MMS, e-mails, push notifications) and non-automated tools (paper mail, telephone calls by operators). The lawful basis for the processing of your data for these purposes is art. 6, paragraph 1, letter a) of the Regulation. The processing of data for direct marketing is optional and based exclusively on your free choice, and denying your consent for this purpose will not affect the use of services on your part.

4. Lawful basis and mandatory or optional nature of data processing

The lawful basis for the processing of Personal Data for the purposes referred to in section 3 (a-b-c) is art. 6(1)(b) of the Regulation (performance of a contract) as the data is necessary to provide the services required and/or to respond to requests from the interested party. Giving your Personal Data for these purposes is optional, but indispensable to activate the services provided by the Website, to answer requests or evaluate CVs. With specific reference to the purpose 3.c and the viewing of profiles on professional networking platforms made freely available on the Internet, as mentioned in section 2.b, the lawful basis is art. 6(1)(f) of the Regulation, i.e. the legitimate interest of the holder in verifying the candidate’s suitability for the open position and any potential risks.

For the purposes illustrated in section 3.d, the lawful basis is art. 6(1)(c) of the Regulation (compliance with legal obligations). Once provided, Personal Data must be processed for the Data Controller to comply with legal obligations.

Art. 6(1)(a) of the Regulation (your consent) is the lawful basis for the processing of data for the purposes referred to in section 3.e. In this respect, activities that involve the direct sending of advertising material, direct sales or market surveys and commercial communications in relation to products or services similar to those you purchased (except soft spam). The Data Controller may use your e-mail and mail addresses without your consent, in accordance with and within the limits allowed by art. 130, paragraph 4 of the Italian Data Protection Code and the by the Decision of the Italian Data Protection Authority of 19 June 2008. The lawful basis for the processing of your data for this purpose is Art. 6(1)(f) of the Regulation (legitimate interest). Such processing also includes messages containing text, voice, video, sound, or images which are sent over an electronic communications network and which may be stored on the network, on a computer, or on the recipient's terminal equipment. This also includes SMS, MMS, and functionally equivalent applications and techniques.

5. Disclosure of Personal Data

For the purposes listed in section 3, your Personal Data may be shared with:

  • Parties who typically act as Data Processors, namely: i) persons and/or organisations providing us assistance and counselling services on marketing and communication; ii) persons and/or organisations who assist us in providing certain services (e.g. hosting providers) iii) persons and/or organisations who perform technical maintenance activities (including maintenance of network equipment and electronic communication networks); (collectively, “Recipients”);
  • Persons, entities or authorities to whom Personal Data must be disclosed by virtue of legal provisions or orders given by a competent authority;
  • Parties authorised by the Data Controller to perform activities that are strictly related to the provision of services or for the purposes listed in section 3, who have committed themselves to confidentiality or have legal obligation to confidentiality (e.g. employees).

6. Transfer of Personal Data

Some of your Personal Data is shared with Recipients who may be located outside the European Economic Area. The Data Controller ensures that these Recipients process your Personal Data in compliance with the Regulation. Transfer of Personal Data may be based on an adequacy decision, on Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission or on another appropriate legal basis. For further information please contact the Data Controller by sending an e-mail to:

7. Retention of Personal Data

Personal Data processed for the purposes referred to in section 3(a-b) will be kept only for as long as strictly necessary to achieve those purposes. In any case, since data is used in order to provide services, the Data Controller will process the Personal Data up to the time allowed by Italian law (art. 2946 of the Italian Civil Code and subsequent amendments). With regard to any CVs submitted through the Website or by e-mail (see section 3.c), the Personal Data will be kept for as long as necessary for the purpose. The Data Controller may contact the candidate again shortly before the indicated deadline to ask for an extension of the retention period.

Personal Data processed for the purposes referred to in section 3(d) will be stored for as long as provided for by applicable laws and regulations.

Personal Data processed for the purposes referred to in section 3(e) will be kept until we have consent; if you do not withdraw your consent, your data will be stored for a time deemed appropriate.

For more information on our data retention policy and criteria, please contact:

8. Data Protection Officer

In view of the applicable legislation and in accordance with the "principle of accountability", the Data Controller has decided to appoint a Data Protection Officer. This officer can be contacted by e-mail at to obtain information about the processing of personal data by Brandnamic srl.

9. Your rights

Pursuant to Art. 15 and following of the Regulation, you have the right to obtain access to your Personal Data at any time. You have the right to request from the Data Controller rectification or erasure of your data, as well as to object to and restrict processing of your data in the cases provided for by Art. 18 of the Regulation. You have the right to obtain the Personal Data concerning you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format in compliance with Art. 20 of the m

Requests must be submitted in written form and sent at:

In any case, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent Supervisory Authority (Italian Data Protection Authority) if you consider that the processing of your Personal Data infringes the applicable law, pursuant to Art. 77 of the Regulation.

10. Changes

This Privacy Policy has been in force since 11.03.2021 and was last updated on 23.04.2021. The Data Controller reserves the right to amend or update the content of this policy, in part or in full, especially in the case of changes in the applicable law. Since the content of our Website and Privacy Policy may be subject to change, we recommend you visit this section regularly for updates on how we collect and use Personal Data.

Push Panda

This website uses push notifications from the provider PushPanda. Push notifications are messages that can be displayed on your terminal device without opening the web page or the relevant app. No personal user data such as IP addresses or the like are stored, which could allow the user in question to be identified. When registering (opt-in) for the notification distribution, only an identification code and the geographical IP information (i.e. an anonymised IP address) of the user will be sent to and stored in the database. This code is assigned by the respective browser provider (Google, Mozilla, Apple, etc.) and enables the notifications to be sent to the relevant browser later on. Notifications are sent by the browser provider itself. These processing operations are only carried out if consent is given in accordance with Art. 6(1)(a) DSGVO. If the opt-in for push notifications is withdrawn (opt-out), all data stored at PushPanda will be deleted and the identification code will become invalid. For information about the opt-out process for push notifications, click here. is a service provided by Project K GmbH, located in Innsbruck, Austria.

Our portfolio from A to Z

The world of advertising is colourful, multimedia, and takes place across multiple channels. Whether it’s online or offline, with a carefully devised marketing plan by the experts in our Advertising team, your message will reach your target group without wastage.

Alpine Pearls

Alpine Pearls is a network of 19 holiday destinations in five Alpine countries for car-free holidays. Cooperation management by Brandnamic.

Belvita Leading Wellnesshotels Südtirol

The leading wellness hotels in the Belvita Leading Wellnesshotels Südtirol cooperation group are found in the most beautiful locations throughout South Tyrol. Each member hotel is unique, and yet they all have one thing in common: They offer their guests exclusive wellness in South Tyrol. Cooperation management by Brandnamic and Kohl & Partner.


Bing (or Microsoft Bing, to be more precise) is an internet search engine.

Brand Building

The goal of all marketing campaigns is to turn a business, product, or service into a brand (branding).

Campaign management

Our experts create the perfect mix of marketing instruments as part of a marketing plan. Your business’s presence is created using innovative marketing measures and strategic campaigns – on- and offline. You receive support from plan development to implementation of the measures and regular success monitoring. 360° marketing made by Brandnamic.


A claim is the advertising slogan of a hotel or business. It is a sentence or phrase that is firmly associated with the brand name and sums up the strategic core concept of a brand. “Campaign claims” can also be created for the duration of a time-limited advertising campaign.


Communication is the exchange of information between senders and receivers. Businesses generally communicate externally (with guests and customers, media, suppliers, partners, investors, public institutions) and internally (with employees). Communication has a significant impact on the reputation and brand image of a business.

Communication concept

A communication concept lays the groundwork for a consistent, convincing corporate identity in a business’s texts and images, as well as being a guideline for all communication methods – online and offline. Our team works with you to find ideas, develops creative concepts, and plans individual measures. The intelligent timing of publication in target-group-specific media as well as professional design and emotional texts are what make your communication a success.

Content creation

Content creation consists of three steps: finding a topic – deciding how and in what format the topic will be presented for the target audience (text, picture, video, or a combination of the three options) – publishing the content on a selected channel. The goal: to gain attention and engagement from the target group.

Content marketing texts

Content marketing is more than just a trend. It’s about standing out from the crowd, feeding readers with stories, and building a rapport, thereby gaining customers and ultimately boosting revenues. Presenting good content in an attractive package is already half the battle. Our copywriters will help you to find and tell your story.

Cooperation groups

Together with renowned consulting firm Kohl & Partner, Brandnamic is responsible for the management and administration of three cooperation groups: Alpine Pearls, Belvita Leading Wellnesshotels Südtirol, and Familienhotels Südtirol.

Editorial plan

In an editorial plan (e.g. for social media platforms), all information about content marketing is gathered in one place and pooled together. The requirements from the content strategy can be made accessible to the entire team in a clear way and structured according to channels and the most important events.


The eHotelier supports users in sending professional e-mail correspondence.

E-mail marketing

E-mail marketing is a form of online marketing. The target audience receives information by e-mail. The advantage: It’s cost-effective, easy to implement, and has little wastage. The requirement: a well-tended address database and interesting content.

Enquiry management

The Brandnamic enquiry management (which can be incorporated directly into your website as a widget) transfers enquiries directly into your hotel management program. Laboriously entering data by hand is no longer necessary, input errors no longer occur. An efficient and elegant solution.

Familienhotels Südtirol

Familienhotels Südtirol is a cooperation group of 25 South Tyrolean hotels that specialise in hosting families. Group management by Brandnamic and Kohl & Partner.


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR for short) regulates the processing of personal data by private and public institutions and organisations throughout the EU. Its goal: to protect data and maintain the free movement of data within the EU. The Zerberus online tool lets you correctly and transparently obtain the required consent from your guests for data processing.

Graphic design

Graphic design includes all the graphic elements that form your business’s corporate identity: logo, colours, design of print materials, web design, goodies, and much more. All the independent parts fit together like well-oiled cogs and make a significant contribution to your brand.

Guest correspondence

From offers to follow-up e-mails, from chat messages to phone calls: Guest correspondence has many facets. Brandnamic knows them all and creates a tailor-made portfolio to enable you to correspond efficiently with your guests.

Guest journey

The guest journey means all contact points that a guest has with a hotel from the search and inspiration phase to booking and their stay, right through to the post-travel phase. Our consultants will be happy to support you in developing your guest journey.

Holiday calendar

The Brandnamic holiday calendar offers a compact overview of the holiday periods in Italy, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, as well as other European countries. Ideal for fine-tuning your offer and advertising plan.

Hotel coaching

Repositioning your business, organising HR processes more efficiently, or developing innovative strategies – we provide you with advice in all those areas as part of hotel coaching.

Image film

An image film is a short film that presents a business, product, or hotel. We create all kinds of videos for marketing purposes, tailor-made for you. You can find more information here.

Influencer marketing

Influencers are people that regularly publish content they’ve created on social platforms such as Instagram or Facebook and interact with their followers. These content creators usually specialise in specific fields. Especially popular: travel, fashion, food, and beauty.


Instagram is a social network that was created in 2010 and focuses on sharing photo and video content. We support you in setting up, maintaining, and developing your Instagram account. To achieve this, we offer you:

Job landing page

A job landing page is a website that an interested user is taken to via a search engine or ad. The page has a strictly defined purpose: to impress potential candidates with the employer and inspire them to apply. For example: Brandnamic jobs


The Korrespondenzmanager enables you to send professional e-mails and sophisticated guest correspondence that is perfectly adapted to your corporate design and language.

Landing page

A landing page is a small, compact website that users are taken to via a search engine or ad. Its aim is to inspire users to take a specific action (conversion), e.g. a holiday enquiry, product sales, or lead generation. Our Web team creates landing pages for you that are totally user-friendly and provide top flexibility when advertising what you have to offer.

Leadership coaching

In the Brandnamic Masterclass on the subject of leadership run by the Brandnamic Academy, managers-to-be learn how to master their new role. Focus areas: communication, leadership style, team building, conflict management.


Linkedin is a social network that focuses on cultivating business contacts and exchanging professional, expert knowledge.


Businesses, products, and football clubs are represented by a symbol, their very own logo. A logo is a distinguishing feature and can develop into a seal of quality. This makes it all the more important for it to have high recognition value. We design distinctive logos to represent your hotel or business.

Marketing automation

Marketing automation is a technology that helps to manage marketing processes and campaigns across various channels.

Marketing cloud

A marketing cloud analyses, automates, and coordinates your marketing measures with guests and customers across various channels in one tool. To achieve this, all guest and customer data is stored in a central database and individually adapted messages are sent to the right recipients via the right channels at the right time.


The Brandnamic Academy offers Brandnamic Masterclasses for knowledge-hungry learners. These intensive courses on topics to do with marketing, leadership skills, or human resources are held in small groups either online or in attendance on the campus.

Meta Ads

Well-positioned Meta ads (ads on the Google search engine) produce measurably more enquiries and bookings. The experts on our Advertising team will create a tailor-made plan for your success.


Naming is the complex creative process during which a name is developed for a business, product, or service. The experts in the Copywriting team are responsible for namings à la Brandnamic.

New construction

A comprehensive marketing concept begins before the foundation stone is laid. Experience has shown how important it is to involve our competent hotel consultants as early as the idea and conception stage.


Newsletters are e-mails that are regularly sent to everyone who wishes to be kept informed of a business’s latest news. The condition: having explicit consent to these being sent.


Onboarding is a defined process which helps to integrate each new employee into the business as smoothly as possible.

Online marketing

All marketing activities that are carried out on the internet or social platforms to position a business, offer, or brand on the digital market are grouped under the term online marketing. These include: search engine marketing, e-mail and newsletter marketing, social media marketing, etc.

Out-of-home advertising (OOH)

OOH stands for out of home and refers to advertising measures in public spaces (e.g. bus stops, billboards, etc.). Whether they’re digital or analogue, when displayed in the right places, out-of-home campaigns are unbeatable when it comes to reach and acceptance. Our pros take care of your public image.


Brandnamic is both a competent sales and interface partner. Together with Yanovis, our experts implement software solutions that simplify your work processes. With our internal sales team and profound market knowledge, we’re constantly expanding our portfolio of useful tools. By hoteliers for hoteliers.

Photo shoots

Professional photo and video shoots literally show your business in the best light.


On Pinterest, users collect graphics, videos, and ideas of all kinds, which are linked on online pinboards on the platform. The aim is to exchange ideas on interests and hobbies and find inspiration with the help of the visual search engine.

Positioning concept

You can only find your way if you know where you’re going. Asking why is therefore essential for a business’s success. When developing a positioning concept, we ask ourselves this question together, conduct various business and market analyses, and use these to define the ideal positioning for you and concrete goals that lay the groundwork for all marketing measures.

Programmatic ads

Programmatic ads mean purchasing and optimising automated digital campaigns. Here, it’s not a case of people negotiating with each other, but rather of people negotiating with artificial intelligence, increasing transparency and efficiency for both parties.

Promo codes

Promo codes are an attractive tool from the marketing mix to push specifically targeted offers on- and offline. With a smart voucher tool like the Voucher App, part of the Brandnamic Hotel Apps, you can manage the use of promo codes simply and efficiently.

Radio advertising

They can stop looking or click away, but there’s one thing very few people are able to do: stop listening. That’s the reason why radio advertising and digital audio campaigns are so successful – as long as your ad is sent to the right station or platform (e.g. Spotify, RMI, etc.). Our experts paint pictures in listeners’ mind with their words and make sure your ads get heard.


Recruiting means the entire process during which a business searches for and finds suitable candidates for job vacancies. This includes creating requirement profiles, job adverts, reviewing applicants, selecting candidates, conducting interviews, and preparing and negotiating offers, as well as onboarding the new employee.


Reels are short videos that users share with followers on Instagram. The combination of video, audio, music sequences, and numerous filters let you work creatively and with an entertainment factor.


A script is the text on which films, image videos, trailers, product explanations, and much more are based. We not only write the script, but also support you before, during, and after the entire production of the video.


Putting address lists in newsletter marketing into groups and segmenting them means you can send targeted information to those readers for whom the newsletter content offers real added value. The result: The number of cancellations goes down and rebound rates are reduced.


Search engine optimisation of texts ensures a better ranking on search engine results pages.


A slogan is a striking advertising catchphrase. It should convey a message in a short, compact form that people directly associate with the brand. We can create a unique slogan for your hotel or business.

Social Media Wall

A social media wall is the section of a website that (optionally in real time) shows social media posts (Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, Tiktok, etc.) from a selected profile. The displayed posts are chosen according to defined hashtags. This creates a “best of” format for users, which attractively mixes topics and different types of posts.

Spotify Ads

As part of an audio marketing concept, Spotify ads are an interesting option to reach and impress listeners with a creative message.

Star rating

Deciding whether or not to pursue a star rating is an essential question for your business. On the one hand, stars help guests orientate themselves, but on the other hand also have associated costs and represent an obligation to guests and the applicable rules. The consultants at Brandnamic will be happy to support you in making this important decision.

Südtirol Reise

On the online platform Südtirol Reise – made by Brandnamic – guests find the right accommodation for them in South Tyrol, from holiday apartments to luxury hotels, while businesses find an attractive way of reaching guests.


Supporting you with expertise and dedication is one of our strengths. Contact us and we’ll be happy to help you.


Sustainable action means using finite resources responsibly with the aim of ensuring that the needs of future generations can also be met. In its first sustainability report, Brandnamic takes on this responsibility and sets measures to enable it to act in an environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable manner.

Target group

In marketing, target group means the market participants who are interested in a service or product and who are addressed in a targeted manner through advertising measures. All members of a target group need to demonstrate certain, pre-defined characteristics. This means that wastage can be avoided in communications.


Tiktok is an app created in China in 2016 on which users share short, home-made videos. The 15- to 22-year-old target group in particular creates and shares funny video content. Businesses that wish to use Tiktok as a communication channel should adapt their message to the rules of the platform.

Trade fairs

We regularly attend the following trade fairs: ITB Berlin,Internorga Hamburg, Hotel Bolzano, and “Alles für den Gast” in Salzburg. Would you like tickets? We’ll be happy to send you trade fair tickets upon request.


In the Brandnamic Academy, you’ll find a wide range of attractive training options from attendance-based courses on the campus to webinars and even individual training for your business.


Our Copywriting team puts your thoughts into words. And does so in all the languages that you wish to communicate in. English, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Russian, Swedish, Finnish, Czech … Simply send us an enquiry and we’ll provide you with a professional translation.


USP stands for unique selling point, the thing that makes your service or product stand out from competitors on the market. A sound marketing strategy builds on a business’s USP. Are you looking for your USP? Our Consulting team will support you.


In the tech world, the letters UX stand for user experience. When creating a website, for example, the thoughts and feelings of a user are considered just as carefully as the requirements for and interaction with the product.

Video and photo concept

What should your photo or video show? What messages should it convey? Which colours, style, and location are preferred? All that and much more needs to be defined in advance to create successful photos and videos. Our team develops video and photo concepts for your big appearance.

Voucher App

The Voucher App, part of the Brandnamic Hotel Apps, helps you with voucher marketing. It impresses with its ease of use for guests and reception staff, its attractive graphic design, and extraordinary functionality.


Vouchers are a way to generate immediate revenues, offer guests added value, and boost their loyalty to your business. A professional voucher tool supports the reception team and guests alike. Take a look at the Voucher App, the voucher sales app in the Brandnamic Hotel Apps.

Web design

Having a harmonious and user-friendly design is paramount for a website. Our web designers understand the requirements of the worldwide web and make technical gadgets look good with skilful graphic design. Our web designs combine usability and attractiveness. The result is a stylish end product – the ideal platform for high conversion rates.


Whatsapp is an online service that enables its users to send messages through the app. Founded in 2009, Whatsapp has been part of Meta since 2014. The Korrespondenzmanager also features a Whatsapp function.


Like an app, a widget is an interactive mini application used on smartphones, tablets, or PCs. Weather reports, clocks, or booking systems are incorporated into a website as a widget to keep the website performing as efficiently and quickly as possible.


Die Welt der Werbung ist bunt, multimedial und wird auf vielen Kanälen bespielt. Egal ob online oder offline, mit einem ausgeklügelten Marketingplan der Experten aus dem Bereich Werbung erreicht Ihre Botschaft ohne Streuverluste Ihre Zielgruppe.


To enable you to offer your employees efficient professional development and training, Brandnamic has created an innovative e-learning platform, In short, practical, detailed units, employees learn the essentials and gain in-depth knowledge about all tourism-related topics in a multimedia approach.

Newsletter registration
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